Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, MB
Panier info -
Canadian Mental Health Association
The Canadian Mental Health Association is a national, non-profit, charitable organization consisting of provincial bodies which are further divided into local branches.

The Peterborough Branch is managed by a Board of Directors comprised of community volunteers. Funding is provided by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ministry of Housing, United Way, foundations, private donations and fundraising initiatives.

CMHA Peterborough provides a variety of services to promote and enhance the mental health and wellness of those living within the communities we serve. 

Locations in:
* Peterborough
* Kawartha Lakes
466 George St.
Peterborough, ON, Map
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Peterborough County
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Dépendances (y compris la toxicomanie, l’alcoolisme et le jeu compulsif)
Troubles déficitaires de l’attention (TDA/TDAH)
Gestion de la colère
Autisme et troubles du spectre autistique
Problèmes de comportement
Troubles du développement, déficience intellectuelle et incapacités connexes
Troubles du comportement alimentaire, y compris l’anorexie et la boulimie
Syndrome d’alcoolisation foetale et ensemble des troubles connexes (ETCAF)
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Dernière modification 5 Dec 2013
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