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(Teen) Mental Health Literacy
Website providing information and resources about teen mental health. Formerly known as Teen Mental Health with Dr. Stan Kutcher and colleagues.
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Antidepressant Skills at Work: Dealing with Mood Problems in the Workplace
A self-care manual to help employees and businesses cope with depression and mood problems at work. People can use it to identify whether they are experiencing depression or depressed mood, and apply practical strategies to reduce effects on work satisfaction and performance.
BC Mental Health and Addiction Services (BCMHAS)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Beyond the Blues: Child and Youth Depression
Documentary about depression, available free on streaming video. "Statistics reveal that depression in children and youth is on the rise. In fact, it has increased by one-third in the past 30 years. Untreated depression costs a teenager in many ways: lost educational opportunities, lost social opportunities and lost time. Through the personal stories of three young people, this compelling documentary traces the journey of depression, from early signs and symptoms, to assessment, diagnosis and treatment. The documentary also helps shatter some stereotypes. 2004, 56 min 30 s Directed by Maureen Palmer Produced by Sharon Bartlett Maria LeRose"
Knowledge Network Corporation
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource:
Depression: A Guide for Teens
Information for the causes and effects on teenage depression and strategies to cope with depression.
Center for Young Women's Health
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
Iris the Dragon Books
Iris the Dragon is a charity which creates educational material for adults and young readers to help facilitate a conversation between parents, teachers and children about issues relating to mental health and wellness. Materials are targetted for parents, teachers, educators as well as employee health.
Iris the Dragon (Charity)
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Online service to help you find the help you need for depression, anxiety, and other mental health and substance use conditions. This includes: * Local support groups and health services within Vancouver, Richmond, and Coastal communities * Online information pages and workbooks provided through BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information and other trusted BC sources * Self-help or supported self-help programs such as the BC Canadian Mental Health Association’s Bounce Back® Online (available without a doctor’s referral) * Valuable resources for friends and family members seeking information for their loved ones.
Vancouver Coastal Health/ Providence Health Care
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Mobile app, such as for iOS, Android, etc., , Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books, Websites including blogs, support forums
Santé et sécurité psychologiques : Guide de l'employeur
Un nouvel outil permettant de protéger la santé mentale des employés, proposant des mesures accessibles à tous les employeurs canadiens.
Commission de la santé mentale du Canada
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Printed materials including handouts, brochures and books
Teaching students with mental health disorders
Resource guide developed to help educators access basic information about depression and provide strategies for supporting students suffering from depression
BC Ministry of Education
L'audience: Public (
Type de ressource: Websites including blogs, support forums
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