Renfrew County Addiction Treatment System |
The Renfrew County Addiction Treatment System delivers comprehensive, integrated alcohol, drug and gambling addiction assessment, counselling and treatment programs.
By contacting any one of the organizations within this system, you will be referred to someone that can help you assess your unique situation and develop appropriate solutions.
This integrated system is comprised of three organizations:
Alcohol / Drug / Gambling Assessment Referral Service
Mackay Manor
Pathways Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services
Renfrew County Community Withdrawal Management Services
By contacting any one of the organizations within this system, you will be referred to someone that can help you assess your unique situation and develop appropriate solutions.
This integrated system is comprised of three organizations:
Alcohol / Drug / Gambling Assessment Referral Service
Mackay Manor
Pathways Alcohol & Drug Treatment Services
Renfrew County Community Withdrawal Management Services
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Comité de Renfrew Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets
Dernière modification 26 May 2008