Children's Resources on Wheels (CROW), Ontario Early Years Centre |
Children's Resources on Wheels (CROW) a non profit corporation governed by a volunteer board of directors a member agency of the United Way of Lanark County provides the following program in Lanark County Ontario Early Years Centre Licenced Home Child Care Ontario Early Years Centre of Lanark is a place where parents and caregivers can meet, get answers to questions, and get information about programs and services that are available for young children (0-6), in Lanark County and the Town of Smiths Falls, regardless of income, culture, or special needs. The Centre provides advice on parenting, information on developmental milestones, and organized programs and activities for both children and parents/caregivers. Licenced Home Child Care offers the "best of both worlds". It provides the family atmosphere and individual attention that appeals to parents while ensuring that legislated standards are met and maintained in the provider's home. These standards, as laid out in the Day Nurseries Act, are similar to the regulations governing the operation of day care centres.
91 Cornelia St West, Suite 118
Lanark County, ON, K7A 5L3 Map
Numéro d’ATS : 1-800-267-9252

Âges servis: Jusqu'à 6 ans
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Comité Lanark Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets
Dernière modification 18 Sep 2012