Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health (CASA) |
CASA is a major community-based provider of mental health services for infants, children, adolescents and their families within the Capital Region and from Central and Northern Alberta.
Five locations in Alberta.
CASA provides assessment and treatment services for approximately 3000 infants, children and adolescents from birth to age 18 each year though a continuum ranging from consultation in community outreach settings to very intensive treatment programs.
Five locations in Alberta.
CASA provides assessment and treatment services for approximately 3000 infants, children and adolescents from birth to age 18 each year though a continuum ranging from consultation in community outreach settings to very intensive treatment programs.
Âges servis: Jusqu'à 18 ans
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Alberta Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets
Tout montrer +Dernière modification 4 Oct 2011