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Overactive brain circuitry can trap people in ruminative thinking and can cause anxious dread, which can directly feed the development of addiction or lead to relapse. This session will explore the four subtle reasons people hold on to worry. More importantly you will be able to apply pragmatic, achievable solutions for eliminating anxious thought patterns, in particular ruminative worry, and replacing them with attitudes of calmness and competency.
Course Objectives:
1.Improve treatment effectiveness by applying basic understanding of neurological causes of rumination to eliminate generalized anxiety’s “anxious dread.”
2.Frame 4 purposes of worry and apply the techniques that break the hold of worry
3.Apply 4 approaches to reduce the impact of stressors that triggers anxiety and intensify risk for addiction and relapse.
This 3-hour on-demand training is available March 15th until December 31st. Register before March 31st for the discounted price of $99+hst.
Customized rates for organizations with groups of participants who can mix and match workshops of interest. Contact [email protected] for details.
Nom de l'événement
Disrupting Rumination: Changing the Cognitions That Underlie Anxiety
For: Professionnels
Fourni par: Solutions On Site
Date et l'heure
Tue Mar 21, 2023 to thu 21 mar 2024
(Every week on lun.,mar.,mer.,jeu.,ven.,sam.,dim.)
(Cet événement est terminé)
Lieu de la conférence
Description de l'évenement
Featuring Dr. Margaret WehrenbergOveractive brain circuitry can trap people in ruminative thinking and can cause anxious dread, which can directly feed the development of addiction or lead to relapse. This session will explore the four subtle reasons people hold on to worry. More importantly you will be able to apply pragmatic, achievable solutions for eliminating anxious thought patterns, in particular ruminative worry, and replacing them with attitudes of calmness and competency.
Course Objectives:
1.Improve treatment effectiveness by applying basic understanding of neurological causes of rumination to eliminate generalized anxiety’s “anxious dread.”
2.Frame 4 purposes of worry and apply the techniques that break the hold of worry
3.Apply 4 approaches to reduce the impact of stressors that triggers anxiety and intensify risk for addiction and relapse.
This 3-hour on-demand training is available March 15th until December 31st. Register before March 31st for the discounted price of $99+hst.
Customized rates for organizations with groups of participants who can mix and match workshops of interest. Contact [email protected] for details.
Events are posted as a free service to the community, however, please note that posting does not imply any
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Tout montrer +Dernière modification 21 Mar 2023