Ottawa-Carleton, ON
Panier info -
Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd serves troubled youth, abused women and children, the dying, the mentally and physically challenged, the hungry and the homeless. Our ultimate goal is to support people through crisis and assist them in reestablishing healthy and productive lives in the community. Our services are free of cost and are available to anyone in need.
Please note that The Good Shepherd Centre is located at:
135 Mary Street, Hamilton
Our services include:
* Good Shepherd Centre - for men
* Women's Services - including crisis
* Youth Services
* The Warehouse
* Food Bank
* The Clothing Program
* The Family Centre
* Emmanuel House Barrett Centre
* GSNPH Hamilton
* Homes
* GSNPH Toronto
* HOST Program (Housing Outreach and Support Team)
* Christmas Programs

10 Delaware Avenue
Casier postal 1003
Hamilton, ON, L8N 3R1 Map
Télécopier: 905-528-6967
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Région desservie Hamilton
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Refuges et hébergement d’urgence
Dépendances (y compris la toxicomanie, l’alcoolisme et le jeu compulsif)
Troubles déficitaires de l’attention (TDA/TDAH)
Gestion de la colère
Autisme et troubles du spectre autistique
Problèmes de comportement
Troubles du développement, déficience intellectuelle et incapacités connexes
Troubles du comportement alimentaire, y compris l’anorexie et la boulimie
Tout montrer +
Dernière modification 10 Jun 2014
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