Wellington County, ON
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Troubles du développement, déficience intellectuelle et incapacités connexes

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Les troubles du développement se présentent quand un enfant a un développement ralenti ou inapproprié.  Un handicap du développement  se produit quand un retard du développement cause des problèmes intellectuels ou d'adaptation.  Il existe plusieurs causes d'un retard ou handicap du développement.

Types de counseling et de thérapie

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Family Counselling and Support Services for Guelph-Wellington is a not for profit, community-based, family service agency dedicated to strengthening and ... more
109 Surrey Street East, Guelph, ON, N1H 3P7 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
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Trellis is an organization committed to assisting people with mental health and developmental challenges.   Like other illnesses, mental health ... more
147 Delhi Street, Guelph, ON, N1E 4J3 Carte
519-821-2060 x5198213582
Région desservie Wellington County
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INPATIENT SERVICES: Our Inpatient teams collaborate with the child/ youth, caregivers and community service providers in developing a comprehensive plan to ... more
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Regulatory body that provides membership, certification, training and clinical supervision for Play Therapists and students locally for Canadians. Play Therapy International affiliated. more
466 Wellington Street, London, ON, N6A 3P8 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

336 Woolwich St., Guelph, ON, N1H 3W5 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
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The Holding Space: Virtual & Mobile Counselling & Family Care
33497 Bevan Ave., Abbotsford, BC, V2S 6H5
Zones desservies Fraser, Ontario, Columbie Britannique
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1320 Cornwall Road, Oakville, ON, L6J 7W5 Carte
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Young Solutions
9311 Concession 11, Mount Forest, ON, N0G 2L0 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
Accepting patients: Oui
12 ans et plus
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21 Yarmouth Street, Guelph, ON, N1H 4G2 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
Accepting patients: Oui
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
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A New Leaf Counselling
60 Albert Street West, Thorold, ON, L2V 2G7 Carte
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2349 Fairview Street, Burlington, ON, L7R 2E3 Carte
Région desservie Central West
2 ans et plus
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ON, Canada
Zones desservies Ontario, Nouveau Brunswick
16 ans et plus
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Programmes de traitement de jour

Publicly Funded / Free Services

INPATIENT SERVICES: Our Inpatient teams collaborate with the child/ youth, caregivers and community service providers in developing a comprehensive plan to ... more
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Logement et soutiens à domicile

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Une association pancanadienne de membres de la famille et d'autres personnes qui travaille pour le bien-être des personnes ayant une déficience ... more
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, M3J 1P3 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Équipes communautaires de traitement intensif (ECTI)

Publicly Funded / Free Services

For fifteen years, SupportiveLiving.ca has been serving Ontario communities by housing individuals who need support with maintaining permanent housing. We ... more
3325 N. Service Road, Burlington, ON, L7N 3G2 Carte
Zones desservies Niagara Regional Municipality, Wellington County, Elgin County, Huron County
18 ans et plus
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Services d’autoassistance, d’entraide et de soutien

Publicly Funded / Free Services

A fully accessible Therapeutic Care Farm providing a full range of innovative, animal-assisted therapy and nature-based education, rehabilitation and recreation. more
426059 25 Sideroad, Mono, ON, L9V 1E2 Carte
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The mission of VOICE is to ensure that all children who are deaf and/or hard of hearing have the right to develop their ability to listen and speak and to ... more
478 Dundas St. West, Oakville, ON, L6H 6Y3
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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* Community Based, Adult, Mental Health, Social Rehabilitation Organization, and a Consumer/Survivor Initiative supported by the Central West LHIN, with ... more
239 Queen Street East, Brampton, ON, L6W 4B6 Carte
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Non-profit organization that provides information, education and support to professionals and families of children with communication disorders. Website ... more
Tilsonburg, ON, N4G 4P4 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Founded 30 years ago, PCMH’s commitment to support, education, and empowerment has guided the organization’s work and dedication to families. Through ... more
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8
416-921-2109 x125
Région desservie Ontario
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Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) works to improve the mental health and well-being of children, youth and their families. * We represent and support ... more
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Organisme francophone canadien dédié à la prévention du syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale (SAF). Donne de l'information sur le TSAF (trouble du spectre de ... more
370 Rue des Forges, Trois-rivières, QC, G9A 2H1
Région desservie Canada
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

336 Woolwich St., Guelph, ON, N1H 3W5 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
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Argent et finances

Publicly Funded / Free Services

Le Programme ontarien de soutien aux personnes handicapées aide les personnes handicapées financièrement dans le besoin à payer les frais de subsistance ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
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La prestation pour enfants handicapés (PEH) est un montant non imposable pouvant atteindre 199.58 $ par mois (2 395 $ par année). Elle est destinée aux ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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Le but de cette section est de vous (praticiens qualifiés qui sont appelés par leurs patients à attester le formulaire T2201) donner tous les renseignements ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
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Centre de santé et de ressources communautaires

Publicly Funded / Free Services

The mission of VOICE is to ensure that all children who are deaf and/or hard of hearing have the right to develop their ability to listen and speak and to ... more
478 Dundas St. West, Oakville, ON, L6H 6Y3
Jusqu'à 19 ans
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Agnola Care Homes is dedicated to creating a secure and caring environment for individuals requiring support. Our commitment is to empower our residents to ... more
227 Eagle st, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 1J8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) works to improve the mental health and well-being of children, youth and their families. * We represent and support ... more
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
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Services communautaires généraux en santé mentale

Publicly Funded / Free Services

For fifteen years, SupportiveLiving.ca has been serving Ontario communities by housing individuals who need support with maintaining permanent housing. We ... more
3325 N. Service Road, Burlington, ON, L7N 3G2 Carte
Zones desservies Niagara Regional Municipality, Wellington County, Elgin County, Huron County
18 ans et plus
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* Community Based, Adult, Mental Health, Social Rehabilitation Organization, and a Consumer/Survivor Initiative supported by the Central West LHIN, with ... more
239 Queen Street East, Brampton, ON, L6W 4B6 Carte
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Agnola Care Homes is dedicated to creating a secure and caring environment for individuals requiring support. Our commitment is to empower our residents to ... more
227 Eagle st, Newmarket, ON, L3Y 1J8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

Mindframe Psychology Centre
6655 Kitimat Road, Mississauga, ON, L5N 6J4 Carte
Zones desservies Toronto, Central West, Central South
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Elora, ON, N0B 1S0 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
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ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
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Publicly Funded / Free Services

Ariss Place Residential Care & Treatment is a residential treatment home for dual diagnosed youth. We specialize in a variety of ... more
17 Paisley Street, Guelph, ON, N1H 2N5 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
10 - 16 ans
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Hopewell Children's Homes Inc provides residential, respite and recreational programs for individuals with developmental, physical and mental disabilities. ... more
5651 Wellington Road #86 RR#1, Ariss, ON, N0B 1B0 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
6 ans et plus
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Assists people with mental health and developmental challenges. Like other illnesses, mental health challenges (such as depression, anxiety disorders, ... more
ON, Canada
Zones desservies Dufferin County, Wellington County
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Community legal clinic * summary advice and referral * limited representation in test case litigation * collect calls accepted * law reform * speakers * ... more
55 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5J 2H7 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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The Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI) is directly operated by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. CPRI provides ... more
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Zones desservies Ontario, Middlesex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
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A Developmental Services Agency, providing a wide range of developmental and mental health services to children and youth, including Full Time Residential, ... more
1950 Merivale Road, Ottawa, ON, K2G 5T5 Carte
613-225-5900 x25
Région desservie Ontario
10 - 17 ans
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Intégration communautaire Ontario soutient la pleine inclusion des personnes identifiées comme ayant un handicap intellectuel dans tous les ... more
240 Duncan Mill Road, Toronto, ON, M3B 3S6 Carte
416-447-4348 x18002788025
Région desservie Ontario
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Tous les enfants et les jeunes méritent de connaître une enfance en bonne santé et heureuse et d'avoir la chance d'être à leur meilleur. Certains ont ... more
Toronto, ON Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Ontario Adult Autism Research and Support Network is an Ontario-based organization and website focusing on adult autism issues. more
Guelph, ON
Région desservie Ontario
18 ans et plus
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OASIS's goal is to facilitate the sharing of ideas, resources, systems and information. OASIS will liaise with Government on behalf of member organizations ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
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The Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities exists to support professionals and students working and pursuing careers in the field of developmental ... more
Peterborough, ON, K9J 6Y5
Région desservie Ontario
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Coordinates network of agencies interested in building a more comprehensive, accessible system of respite care for persons with developmental ... more
112 Merton Street, Toronto, ON, M4S 2Z8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
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Ridgeview Children's Home Inc. is a staff model, co-ed treatment facility, capable of serving eight residents with a variety of special needs. The admission ... more
887 Longworth Rd, London, ON, N6K 0B8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
3 - 18 ans
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Les adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle documentée peuvent être dirigés vers des programmes financés par le ministère des Services sociaux et ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
18 ans et plus
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Ability Online is a monitored online community of friendship and support for children and youth with disabilities or illness, and their friends and family. ... more
250 Wincott Dr, Etobicoke, ON, M9R 4C8 Carte
Région desservie Canada
6 ans et plus
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Offers support to individuals with disabilities, such as through tax credits. more
4695 12e Avenue, Shawinigan-sud, QC, G9P 5H9
Région desservie Canada
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La carte Accès 2 (MD) permet aux personnes de soutien qui accompagnent une personne ayant une incapacité d’être admises gratuitement dans les cinémas ... more
40 Holly Street, Toronto, ON, M4S 3C3 Carte
416-932-8382 x227
Région desservie Canada
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Jeunesse, J’écoute est le seul service pancanadien de consultation par téléphone et en ligne destiné aux jeunes. Le service est gratuit, anonyme et ... more
439 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Y8 Carte
Région desservie Canada
5 - 20 ans
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L'Arche rassemble des personnes, avec et sans déficience intellectuelle, qui partagent ensemble une vie communautaire et une vie de foi. Au coeur de ... more
1833 rue Sherbrooke Est Bureau 101, Montreal, QC, H2K 1B4 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Grâce à l'utilisation de la technologie de l'information, offrir un accès intégré; à de l'information, des programmes ... more
Ottawa, ON, K1A 1M4 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Non-profit association that seeks to transform the mental health sector to be an inclusive society where people achieve full social inclusion. Promotes ... more
140 Holland Street West, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2Y5 Carte
Région desservie Canada
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Therapy Dog services are provided across Canada by St. John's Ambulance in a wide range of community settings such as: hospitals, seniors residences and care ... more
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
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Pratique privée ou commerciale

186 Hinchey Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 1L7
5 - 16 ans
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Karen Ferguson Psychological Services
490 York Road building A, Guelph, ON, N1E 6V1 Carte
Région desservie Wellington County
Accepting patients: Oui
7 - 18 ans
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212 Speedvale Avenue West, Guelph, ON, N1H 1C4 Carte
Zones desservies Wellington County, Waterloo Regional Municipality
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1320 Cornwall Road East, Oakville, ON, L6J 7W5 Carte
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5115 Harvester Rd, Burlington, ON, L7L 0A3 Carte
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31 Morris Drive, Belleville, ON, K8P 5B3 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Accepting patients: Oui
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Something missing from our directory? Help your community by suggesting a resource!
Can't find what you were looking for? Contactez un service d'information et d'aiguillage.
Ressources énumérées par d'autres organisations
Zone de chalandise: Central West
A directory of resources, organizations and services in Waterloo Region, Wellington County, and Dufferin County.
Posted: Jul 19, 2012
Language: EN
Zone de chalandise: Ontario
List of aboriginal mental health services in Ontario created by the Ontario Aboriginal Health Advocacy Initiative (OAHAI).
Posted: Sep 16, 2015
Language: EN
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO)
Zone de chalandise: Ontario
CMHO has list of child/youth mental health services for communities throughout Ontario.
Posted: Sep 1, 2020
Language: EN
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