Frontenac County, ON
Panier info -
Providence Care
Providence Care is a major teaching and research centre for Queen’s University, an educational partner to St. Lawrence College and other post-secondary institutions, and is also a member of the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario.

Providence Care Hospital combines rehabilitation, complex medical care, restorative rehabilitative care, respite care, seniors rehabilitative care, palliative care and mental health programs.

Providence Care operates a long-term care home (Providence Manor) and several community-based rehabilitation and mental health services across southeastern Ontario.
752 King Street West
Kingston, ON, K7L 4X3 Map
1-800-785-1707 (Sans frais)
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais, Français
Frais Aucun
Zones desservies Frontenac County, Lennox and Addington County

Programmes et services inclussent

Adult Treatment and Rehabilitation
Program/Service of : Providence Care
The Adult Treatment & Rehabilitation Services Program provides specialized treatment to adults with schizophrenia, mood disorders, personality disorders, and dual diagnosis. Interdisciplinary teams care for inpatients (91 beds) and more than 1,000 outpatients in Kingston and Southeastern Ontario.

The program has six sub-specialties, including:

* Schizophrenia Rehabilitation Service
* Mood Disorder Research and Treatment Service
* Personality Disorder Service
* Community Treatment Order Program
725 King Street West
Kingston, ON, K7L 4X3 Map
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Forensic Psychiatry
Program/Service of : Providence Care
Forensic Psychiatry is one of the mental health services offered by the Providence Care.
725 King Street West
Kingston, ON, K7L 4X3 Map
Non disponible
Âges servis: Tous âges
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
Geriatric Psychiatry
Program/Service of : Providence Care
Geriatric Psychiatry is one of the the Mental Health Services offered by Providence Care.

Specific services include the Geriatric Psychiatry Outreach Team.
725 King Street West
Kingston, ON, K7L 4X3 Map
Non disponible
Âges servis: 55 ans et plus
Langue: Anglais
Frais Aucun
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Cette ressource est répertoriée sous ces sujets

Centre de santé et de ressources communautaires
Coordination des services et prise en charge
Équipes communautaires de traitement intensif (ECTI)
Services communautaires généraux en santé mentale
Services de traitement externes/communautaires
Traitement et soutien en santé mentale
Santé mentale en général
Traitement en établissement (hospitalisation)
Dernière modification 16 Jul 2018
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