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Si vous êtes une organisation qui souhaite collaborer avec nous pour aider à maintenir cette base de données à jour, cliquer içi pour plus d'informations.
Trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT), traumatisme et abus
Le traumatisme fait référence à des évènements (habituellement de l'abus ou de la violence) causant une détresse extrême et beaucoup d'anxiété et dont les effets subséquents peuvent endomager les individus. Les différents types de traumatisme sont les désastres naturels; un éventail de traumatismes causés par les humains a) un traumatisme physique (avoir été frappér ou blessé par une autre personne); b) un traumatisme émotionnel (être blessé émotionnellement par des intimidations, se faire diminuer, insulter ou contrôler); c) un traumatisme (causé par de l'abus sexuel ou par le viol); d) un traumatisme de guerre (vivre des situations de guerre).
Types de counseling et de thérapie
Publicly Funded / Free Services
The Counselors at SACC are all registered Social Workers who are trained especially to help victims of sexual violence. Their experience and knowledge give ...
1770 Langlois Ave, Windsor, ON, N8X 4M5 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Tous âges
The Regional Children's Centre is an accredited children's mental health centre serving children and adolescents, who are dealing with social, emotional, ...
3901 Connaught Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9C 4H4 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
Maryvale is an adolescent treatment centre. We offer crisis services, day treatment, access to Child Psychiatrists and Positive Parenting Program for ...
3640 rue Wells St, Windsor, ON, N9C 1T9 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
13 - 17 ans
Our professional counselling program offers individual, marital/couple, family and group counselling. Our counselling program advocates an emphasis on growth, ...
1770 Langlois Ave, Windsor, ON, N8X 4M5 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Tous âges
Shalom Counselling Services of Leamington is a non-profit organization that has provided affordable therapeutic counselling and educational services to the ...
33 Princess St., Leamington, ON, N8H 5C5 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Tous âges
The Inn of Windsor is a 12-bed residential facility for teenage girls. We also operate nine, one or two bedroom apartments for male and female youths aged ...
1687 Wyandotte St E, Windsor, ON, N8Y 1C8 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
13 - 21 ans
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
Tous âges
INPATIENT SERVICES: Our Inpatient teams collaborate with the child/ youth, caregivers and community service providers in developing a comprehensive plan to ...
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Jusqu'à 18 ans
Provides free counselling and therapy for status Natives 18+ throughout Ontario.
105 Hugill Road, Coboconk, ON, K0M 1K0
Région desservie Ontario
18 ans et plus
EHN Online est l'extension virtuelle du réseau d'établissements de traitement d'EHN Canada, offrant des conseils en ligne pour la toxicomanie. Plus qu'une ...
BC, Canada
Région desservie Canada
13 ans et plus
Le PSPNET est un centre de recherche clinique. Situé à l’Université de Regina, il mène en partenariat avec l’Institut canadien de recherche et de ...
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
18 ans et plus
Wounded Warriors Canada a créé une approche novatrice dans les services de santé mentale fondées sur des pratiques exemplaires et des données probantes ...
310 Byron Street South, Whitby, ON, L1N 4P8 Carte
1-888-706-4808 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Pratique privée ou commerciale
Open Minds Family Services
Windsor, ON, N8T 3N5
Région desservie Essex County
Tous âges
498 Eagle St. N, Cambridge, ON, N3H 1C2 Carte
Zones desservies Waterloo Regional Municipality, Essex County
Accepting patients: Oui
Modality of care: In person, Virtual
Tous âges
Dr. David A. Murphy
913 Robson Road, Leamington, ON, N8H 4R6 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Accepting patients: Yes, however there is a waitlist.
Modality of care: Virtual
18 ans et plus
Elaine Coventry; Counselling, Psychotherapy, Hypnosis
600 Tecumseh Rd E, Windsor, ON, N8X 4W2 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Tous âges
PASSAGES - Pathway to Healing
1670 Wyandotte St., E., Windsor, ON, N8Y 1C7 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Accepting patients: Unknown
18 ans et plus
Vista - An Extensive View
354 Jason Crt, Tecumseh, ON, N8N 4Y6 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Accepting patients: Unknown
Tous âges
The Holding Space: Virtual & Mobile Counselling & Family Care
33497 Bevan Ave., Abbotsford, BC, V2S 6H5
Tous âges
Chevalier Psychotherapy
4570 Rhodes Drive, Windsor, ON, N8W 5C2 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Accepting patients: Oui
14 ans et plus
Ye Chen Counselling and Psychotherapy
Dresden, ON, N0P 1M0
Zones desservies Toronto, Essex County
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
34 Minovan Miikan Lane, Toronto, ON, M6J 0G3
18 - 65 ans
Pamela Baker
1545 Woodfern Avenue, Ruthven, ON, N0P 2G0 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
5 ans et plus
BC, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
18 ans et plus
Programmes de traitement de jour
Publicly Funded / Free Services
The Regional Children's Centre is an accredited children's mental health centre serving children and adolescents, who are dealing with social, emotional, ...
3901 Connaught Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9C 4H4 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
Maryvale is an adolescent treatment centre. We offer crisis services, day treatment, access to Child Psychiatrists and Positive Parenting Program for ...
3640 rue Wells St, Windsor, ON, N9C 1T9 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
13 - 17 ans
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care Program (CAMHCP) provides clinical services for children and youth up to 17 years of age and their families. ...
800 Commissioners Road East, London, ON, N6A 5W9 Carte
Région desservie South West
Jusqu'à 17 ans
INPATIENT SERVICES: Our Inpatient teams collaborate with the child/ youth, caregivers and community service providers in developing a comprehensive plan to ...
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Jusqu'à 18 ans
North Eastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services (NEOFACS) is an integrated agency, providing services to children, youth and their families in the ...
68 Aura Lake Street, Schumacher, ON, P0N 1G0 Carte
12 - 15 ans
Pratique privée ou commerciale
744 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9A 1E1 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
16 ans et plus
Centres de jour
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
Tous âges
Counselling sans rendez-vous
Publicly Funded / Free Services
The Regional Children's Centre is an accredited children's mental health centre serving children and adolescents, who are dealing with social, emotional, ...
3901 Connaught Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9C 4H4 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
Maryvale is an adolescent treatment centre. We offer crisis services, day treatment, access to Child Psychiatrists and Positive Parenting Program for ...
3640 rue Wells St, Windsor, ON, N9C 1T9 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
13 - 17 ans
Our professional counselling program offers individual, marital/couple, family and group counselling. Our counselling program advocates an emphasis on growth, ...
1770 Langlois Ave, Windsor, ON, N8X 4M5 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Tous âges
Pratique privée ou commerciale
744 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9A 1E1 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
16 ans et plus
Logement et soutiens à domicile
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
Tous âges
Le ministère des Services sociaux et communautaires (MCSS) :
Aider les femmes à fuir la violence familiale
Le ministère finance de nombreux programmes et services conçus pour aider les femmes et leurs enfants à échapper à la violence familiale.
Ces ...
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
16 ans et plus
Services d’autoassistance, d’entraide et de soutien
Publicly Funded / Free Services
The Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre is driven by the desire of Aboriginal peoples within the areas of Windsor and Essex County to become a self-sufficient, ...
2929 Howard Avenue, Windsor, ON, N8X 4W4 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Tous âges
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
Tous âges
We are a volunteer-run network of peer support groups for parents and guardians who share similar struggles, experiences, and concerns related to their adolescent or young adult children.
1740 Kingston Rd, Pickering, ON, L1V 2R2 Carte
1-866-492-1299 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Ontario
Tous âges
Founded 30 years ago, PCMH’s commitment to support, education, and empowerment has guided the organization’s work and dedication to families. Through ...
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8
416-921-2109 x125
Région desservie Ontario
Tous âges
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) works to improve the mental health and well-being of children, youth and their families.
* We represent and support ...
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Tous âges
La Société pour les troubles de l'humeur du Canada (STHC) est un organisme caritatif bénévole national axé sur les besoins des usagers et voué à ...
46 Hope Cr., Belleville, ON, K8P 4S2 Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Nous travaillons pour mettre fin à l'intimidation, à la discrimination et à l'homophobie dans les écoles et les communautés au Canada et à l'étranger. ...
440 Albert St., Ottawa, ON, K1R 5B5 Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
The Project Trauma Support Peer Groups are weekly or biweekly gatherings open to any military members, veterans or first responders (police, firefighters, ...
Russell, ON Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Un réseau de soutien par les pairs au service des membres des Forces canadiennes, des anciens combattants et aux membres de leur famille. L’idée du ...
ON, Canada
1-800-883-6094 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Canadian charitable organization that is committed to the prevention of child sex abuse and commercial sexual exploitation.
Ottawa, ON
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Wounded Warriors Canada a créé une approche novatrice dans les services de santé mentale fondées sur des pratiques exemplaires et des données probantes ...
310 Byron Street South, Whitby, ON, L1N 4P8 Carte
1-888-706-4808 (Sans frais)
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Pratique privée ou commerciale
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Argent et finances
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Le ministère des Services sociaux et communautaires (MCSS) :
Aider les femmes à fuir la violence familiale
Le ministère finance de nombreux programmes et services conçus pour aider les femmes et leurs enfants à échapper à la violence familiale.
Ces ...
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
16 ans et plus
Centre de santé et de ressources communautaires
Publicly Funded / Free Services
The Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre is driven by the desire of Aboriginal peoples within the areas of Windsor and Essex County to become a self-sufficient, ...
2929 Howard Avenue, Windsor, ON, N8X 4W4 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Tous âges
We strive to provide quality, wholistic health services by sharing and promoting traditional and western health practices to enable people to live in a more ...
425-427 William Street, London, ON, N6B 3E1 Carte
Région desservie South West
Tous âges
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
Tous âges
Children's Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) works to improve the mental health and well-being of children, youth and their families.
* We represent and support ...
180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Z8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Tous âges
Pratique privée ou commerciale
744 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9A 1E1 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
16 ans et plus
Services communautaires généraux en santé mentale
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Provides a broad range of mental health, legal, parenting, and abuse support programs geared at boys, men, fathers and their families.
* Therapy & ...
26 Mansur Terrace, Toronto, ON, M3J 3R1 Carte
Tous âges
Pratique privée ou commerciale
744 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, ON, N9A 1E1 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
16 ans et plus
Ye Chen Counselling and Psychotherapy
Dresden, ON, N0P 1M0
Zones desservies Toronto, Essex County
Accepting patients: Oui
Tous âges
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
18 ans et plus
Publicly Funded / Free Services
Provides a number of mental health services such as...
OTN Addictions and Mental Health Services
Mood & Anxiety Treatment
Geriatric Mental Health Outreach
1453 Prince Road, Windsor, ON, N9C 3Z4 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
18 ans et plus
The Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Society is dedicated to the well-being and safety of every child by advocating for, and partnering with, our children, ...
1671 Riverside Dr. E., Windsor, ON, N8Y 5B5 Carte
Région desservie Essex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
Free, anonymous, confidential 24-hr telephone and TTY crisis telephone line to all women in the province of Ontario who have experienced any form of ...
Toronto, ON, M5T 2W2 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
Tous âges
The Child and Parent Resource Institute (CPRI) is directly operated by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
CPRI provides ...
600 Sanatorium Road, London, ON, N6H 3W7 Carte
Zones desservies Ontario, Middlesex County
Jusqu'à 18 ans
Ligne de soutien provinciale francophone. Pour femmes touchées par la violence. 24/24 7 jours sur 7. Écoute, information, plan de sécurité, références ...
Toronto, ON, M5G 2P6
Région desservie Ontario
16 ans et plus
Allo J’écoute/Good2Talk est une ligne d’assistance gratuite, confidentielle et anonyme qui offre en tout temps aux étudiants des établissements ...
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
16 - 30 ans
Psychotherapy Matters is an online directory of therapists in private practice, who pay in order to be listed in the directory.
ON, Canada
Région desservie Ontario
Tous âges
Ridgeview Children's Home Inc. is a staff model, co-ed treatment facility, capable of serving eight residents with a variety of special needs. The admission ...
887 Longworth Rd, London, ON, N6K 0B8 Carte
Région desservie Ontario
3 - 18 ans
Sakeenah Homes is a transitional home for Muslim women and children who may be facing violence, homelessness, financial or immigration issues. Our mission is ...
5659 McAdam Rd, Mississauga, ON, L4Z 1N9 Carte
Tous âges
Serenity Renewal for Families provides hope and support in a safe environment through short-term counselling, educational workshops and programs for ...
2255 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON, K1G 4K3 Carte
5 ans et plus
The Redwood's provides survivors of domestic violence, intimate partner violence and gender-based violence, with access to a crisis responder 24/7, through live chat or text.
Toronto, ON, M6J 3M9
Région desservie Ontario
Tous âges
The Canadian Art Therapy Association is a voluntary association of art therapists in Canada. To be identified as an art therapist in Canada and the United ...
Parksville, BC, V9P 2G7 Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
The Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT) helps victims of torture to integrate successfully into Canadian society. It is a non-profit ...
194 Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 2B7 Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
"Arrêtons la violence familiale" (anciennement National Clearinghouse on Family Violence (NCFV)) est un guichet unique d'information pour les ...
200 Eglantine Driveway, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0K9 Carte
1-800-561-5643 (Numéro d’ATS :)
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
"We are a unified voice collaborating, educating and innovating for systemic change that ends violence against women making Canada a model for safety in ...
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Jeunesse, J’écoute est le seul service pancanadien de consultation par téléphone et en ligne destiné aux jeunes. Le service est gratuit, anonyme et ...
439 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1Y8 Carte
Région desservie Canada
5 - 20 ans
Défend et soutient les centres d’hébergement en offrant
de la formation pratique, des ressources culturellement adaptées et des occasions de réseautage dans un environnement favorable.
2 River Road, Kahnawake, QC, J0L 1B0 Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Professional association that provides psychotherapy training to nurses.
NOTE: Does not provide direct psychotherapy services to the general public.
18 Queen Street East, Brampton, ON, L6V 1A2
Zones desservies Canada, Peel Regional Municipality
Tous âges
The Public Health Agency of Canada has useful information on their website about coping with stressful events, directed at caregivers. It also has specific ...
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Non-profit association that seeks to transform the mental health sector to be an inclusive society where people achieve full social inclusion.
Promotes ...
140 Holland Street West, Bradford, ON, L3Z 2Y5 Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Cherchez vous un psychologue? La Répertoire canadien des psychologues offrant des services de santé (RCPOSS) a une répertoire nationale des psychologues ou associé psychologiques qualifié.
72 Saint-Raymond Blvd, Gatineau, QC, J8Y 1S2 Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Therapy Dog services are provided across Canada by St. John's Ambulance in a wide range of community settings such as: hospitals, seniors residences and care ...
ON, Canada
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Our mission is to improve the health and quality of life of people with physical, emotional, and social challenges through partnerships with companion and service animals.
1010 Polytek St, Ottawa, ON, K1J 9H9 Carte
Région desservie Canada
Tous âges
Pratique privée ou commerciale
Alexandra Wiseman - A Wise Wellness - Counselling
ON, Canada
Région desservie Essex County
Accepting patients: Oui
Modality of care: Virtual
10 ans et plus
5115 Harvester Rd, Burlington, ON, L7L 0A3 Carte
Tous âges
336 Eagle St. N, Cambridge, ON, N3H 1C2 Carte
Région desservie South West
Tous âges
22678 Johnston Line, Rodney, ON, N0L 2C0
Région desservie Canada
19 ans et plus